Restoration & Wellness with Musee

Self-care. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, it is something that usually gets put on the back-burner when we get swept up in the business of our day-to-day lives.

Did you know that spending a few relaxing moments to yourself in the bathtub has some pretty amazing health benefits?

According to an article written by the Cleveland Clinic titled,“4 Reasons to Take a Bath,” studies show that indulging in a warm bath can help improve depression, decrease stress hormones, and relieve sore muscles and joints.

So, the next time you set aside some much needed “me time,” turn on your favorite playlist, light a few candles, and head to the bath!

What is Musee?

    In the growing town of Madison County, Mississippi, pastry chef, Leila Pickering, would often cross paths with community members looking for odd jobs around her rural farmhouse. With a heart to serve others, Leila sparked the idea to start Musee and provide permanent work for locals around town.

In order to do this effectively, Musee decided to partner with Crossroads, a local organization that helps women get back on their feet after spending time in prison, treatment centers, or abusive situations.

From putting together a few batches of bath products using hand mixers in her kitchen to becoming an established brand with a growing customer base, Musee is making a big impact. 


How do they make their products?

    Musee ethically sources all natural ingredients that are safe for all skin types. All products are handmade in the United States, and pair both natural and essential oils with moisturizing ingredients like milk bath and organic honey to soften dry skin. Musee carefully selects high quality ingredients to ensure their balms, soaks, and soaps are all cruelty-free, paraben-free, and sulfate-free. 

How is Musee making an impact?

    Initially planting a seed in Mississippi, Musee’s overall mission was to provide a safe environment for those recovering from life-changing situations. As Musee continues to create jobs and lift those in need out of poverty locally, they decided to expand their mission outside of the country.

In recent years, Musee has partnered with Schools for Haiti to help fund and support eight different schools through all Musee bath purchases.

Musee also works closely with The Kelly School, raising funds to support teacher salaries, new school supplies, uniforms, and one meal a day for the students. 

How can you support Musee’s mission?

    Everyone could use a bit of self-rejuvenation and relaxation. Musee has all of the bath products you’ll need for a spa-day moment at your fingertips, but more importantly allows every customer to play a part in their story. Shop our collection of wonderfully scented Musee products HERE!


written by: Emily Krull
Sophie Stargazer Intern, 2020

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